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Posted by rfulton on March 1, 2017

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What happened to the St. Paul Triathlon????

Posted by rfulton on December 29, 2016

I have had many people ask me why the St. Paul Triathlon isn’t on our 2017 schedule.  2017 would have been the 12th annual.  I did a quick search as to how many people participated in this event over the years and the number came up to about 3500.  I’m glad to say that the event isn’t going away but just taking a year off as the City of St. Paul and the Metropolitan Council does a major repair to the sewer pipes around Lake Phalen and some more much needed repair to Wheelock Parkway.  Stacy, from St. Paul Parks, had given me a heads up on this project last year.  The area where we usually put to transition area is going to be completed torn up (if fact I believe they have already started on the project).  We looked at different options as to where we could exit out of the swim and onto the bike course but always came up empty.

Stacy has kept the triathlon in the 2018 park schedule so we plan to be back then (thanks Stacy!!).  We look forward to seeing you at the 12th Annual St. Paul Triathlon in 2018 – if not before.

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Resolution Solution is BACK!

Posted by rfulton on December 8, 2016

A New Years Day run is such a great way to start the new year off.  FrontRunner dropped the Resolution Solution in 2016 but Tri Fitness is bringing it back.  Check here for current information on New Years Day 2017.

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